MARCHESE MARCHESE, is the name of this beautiful variety that is also elegant in appearance. Its name wants to emphasize the noble characteristics of this fig. The cuttings are available from the FigsArt byNikky. Nicol Parrino MARCHESEは, 見た目もエレガントなこの美しいバラエティの名前です. その名前はこのイチジクの高貴な特徴を強調したいと思っている. With great satisfaction I show you this rare variety that after long researches and thanks to the indications of a dear friend it was possible to find. It is the MARCHESE variety of which I make available some cuttings for the irreducible collectors. Excellent variety for fresh consumption and beautiful to look at. From collection FigsArt ByNikky 私は大満足のために, 長い研究の後, そして親愛なる友人の示すおかげで見つけることができた希少なバラエティを示しています. それは, 私が不reducibleコレクターのためにいくつかの挿し木を利用可能なMARCHESEの種類です. 新鮮な消費に優れた種類と見ても美しい. コレクションよりFigsArt ByNikky
MARCHESE, is the name of this beautiful variety that is also elegant in appearance.
Its name wants to emphasize the noble characteristics of this fig.
The cuttings are available from the FigsArt byNikky. Nicol Parrino
MARCHESEは, 見た目もエレガントなこの美しいバラエティの名前です.
With great satisfaction
I show you this rare variety
that after long researches and thanks to the indications of a dear friend
it was possible to find. It is the MARCHESE variety of which
I make available some cuttings for the irreducible collectors.
Excellent variety for fresh consumption and beautiful to look at.
From collection FigsArt ByNikky
私は大満足のために, 長い研究の後,
それは, 私が不reducibleコレクターのためにいくつかの挿し木を利用可能なMARCHESEの種類です.
コレクションよりFigsArt ByNikky